Saturday, August 27, 2011

Uncertainties and Surprises

Today, I am packing. I hate packing, but I'm good at it. Really good. You see, I have this "thing;" a gypsy soul, I suppose, that has always kept me from staying still for very long. This "thing" is the reason I have had 8 address in the last 8 years. It's the reason I have a nursing license, a degree in psychology, and more random life skills than I'm sure will ever be necessary, and it's the reason I have never stuck around in any romantic relationship for longer than...well, very long. 

So I'm at it again. But this time is different. This time, I'm not sure where I'm going next. I have an idea (let's just say my passport is ready), but nothing is for sure. This time, my belongings will be shoved into a storage unit, sold at yard sales, and donated to thrift stores. This time, I'm more excited and more terrified than I’ve ever been. I think that as I get older, I am beginning to realize the weight of my every decision {I'm a long ways from the 18-year-old girl who jumped in a slug bug and moved to Portland}. What I do (or don't do) today, effects who I will be tomorrow. Tomorrow, I want to be somebody better. No pressure.

This time next year, on August 27th, 2012, I wonder where I will be, what decisions I will be making, who I will know, and who I will have lost contact with. It's so crazy awesome and equally insane to have no idea! I know that's simply the reality of life, but as I sit here on my living room floor, surrounded by boxes, I feel like that reality is right in my face. I can feel it breathing. I'm incredibly aware of life's uncertainties and unexpected surprises this afternoon. 

So, I'll see ya later, favorite lamp. I love you, beautiful book collection. Until we meet again. 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Rest is History

I have to be totally honest for a moment...I have no clue what I'm doing here. Bloggers are so much cooler than me, I think {I don't really know any bloggers, but I feel like they would be}. The first post is the worst. Nobody even knows your blog exists, so you're talking to yourself essentially, which is awesome, and nothing I'm not used to.

Regardless of the fact that I already feel like a total reject, here I am. My hope is that this blog will be, for me, a place to unwind and share the happenings of my silly little life {the good, bad, and all the in between}. If, in that process, I make connections with others {i.e. you!}, then I will be the lucky one. 

I've never been much of a planner, which is possibly what makes my life even "bloggable" to begin with! This will be no different. I have no plans; I only promise it will be me. Simple. A real life portrayal of a 20 something woman who likes to do crafts, eat nachos, and has never been in love {or has just never admitted it}. A look at a girl who loves to do things that scare her, who hates cleaning the bathtub, and truly believes that laughter is the best way to make things better. 

So, if you would, join me! I'm pretty excited to share myself with  you, and hope it will inspire you to do the same. 

*Insert clever valediction here*