Monday, December 31, 2012

In a Nutshell:

**WARNING: this is a cliche new years post**

I hope your 2012 was wonderful. I really do. I'm sitting here on my couch, on New Years eve, reflecting on a year that changed my life in more ways than I probably know. My heart is content, and it's full of joy. 
I know that's not the case for many. I know. I know what it's like to be broken on December 31st. I know what it's like to be desperate for midnight to just come already. 
I hope that's not you. But if it is, I pray 2013 is your fresh start. 
I pray it's one that is full of surprises, second chances, of healing and of hope.

{A few things I learned, in no particular order}

1. Rain boots in Portland are a good idea.
2. I am more loved than I can ever try to understand.
3. Faith.
4. Every breath is a second chance.
5. Tomorrow sure isn't promised.
6. I don't have to be aggressive or mean to be strong.
7. Fifteen hour plane rides are much more bearable when seated next to a pretty boy. Just sayin.
8. Hope. 
9. There is ALWAYS hope.
10. Eating Thai food 3-4 times a week is perfectly acceptable.
11. Walking away doesn't always mean you lost.
12. Cougartown is hilarious. Like, my favorite. Who knew? 
13. If you don't quit, you win.
14. Jesus is faithful.
15. I need people. I can't do life alone.
16. I have people. I have really good people.
17. Grace. Beautiful grace.
18. Taking chances is worth it.
19. Sometimes I am so overwhelmed by all of this that I think I might literally explode.

So, see ya later 2012. Thanks for everything. And to quote my pastor and friend, "Our best days are ahead!" I believe it, and I can't wait. 

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